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honeycombing in concrete repairs

What is Honey combing in concrete :

are hollow spaces and cavities left in concrete on surface or inside the concrete mass where concrete could not reach. These look like honey bees nest. The condition is somewhat like the aggregates are removed from the concrete placed in the structure.

concrete problem honey combing

Reasons of Honey Combing on concrete :

Main reasons of honey combing in concrete  are: 
  • due to non-reaching of concrete to all places due to which hallow pockets are created.
  • may be due to insufficient fine material in the mix,
  • incorrect aggregate grading
  • poor mixing or improper vibration
  • leakage of grout or mortar fraction from the concrete at construction or formwork joints

Solution of  Honey combing:

Concrete problem honey combing

By using the following techniques we can repair the problem of honey combing in concrete 

  • Removing layers of honeycomb on the areas affected, until healthy concrete is Found.
  • Thoroughly cleaning the exposed area of loose aggregate and accumulated debris
  • Wetting the area in need of patching
  • Applying grout matching in colour to retain aesthetic appeal.
  • While the production of concrete if we take care about the proper mixing of concrete we can reduce the problem of honey combing in concrete. 


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